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Kayak El Aguiló

Quick Details




10 - 12 años



6 - 9 años


Fun is within everyone’s reach, and at Alicante Aventura we offer you a new dynamic and fun activity where you will discover the most beautiful and inaccessible corners of Villajoyosa on a kayak excursion through the most beautiful area of Villajoyosa.
It will start at Playa del Torres, continuing along Punta Plana and Cala Fonda, where, throughout the activity, there will be jumps into the water and sections where you can snorkel.

There will also be a short break to have a snack and recharge your batteries to continue with the second half of the activity. We will continue towards the Racó Conill cove, where we will see the famous Aguiló watchtower and put an end to a very challenging route.
During the kayak excursion the group will have a guide who will be supporting them at all times, so you don’t have to worry about not having previous experience.
Both to the south and to the north, the coast of Villajoyosa offers spectacular landscapes that will be engraved on your retinas. Kayaking the Aguiló route will allow you to discover spaces and places that only the bravest dare to navigate.
Enjoy this water activity with your family, friends or work colleagues. The kayak will be a great experience to unite even more if possible, relax and above all discover the wonders hidden among the cliffs of Villajoyosa.

The Aguiló kayak route

The starting point is at Playa Torres, right where the Tower of Hercules, an ancient construction from the Roman Empire, is located. On the beach itself, our instructors will explain everything you need to know about kayaks and how they work.
Once we are familiar with them, we will get on and set off to discover everything that lies in store for us from there to the Torre del Aguiló. As soon as we start, you will realise that it is a wild route, as we leave behind all the tourist attractions to enter the most natural sea of the Alicante coast.

To begin with, we will reach Punta Plana and then Cala Fonda, a small paradise among so many stone walls. But it is not the only one, as further on we will find the famous Cala Racó del Conill, as private and particular as the previous one.
We continue along the coast until, at last, the Aguiló watchtower comes into view. We will get as close as possible to it to take some of the most spectacular photos of your adventure. Then we will turn back.
During the tour there will be a stop at Punta Plana to rest among the rocks, enjoying a refreshing swim, a bit of snorkelling and the odd waterfall that will unload all your adrenaline. It is also possible to go coasteering, as the area is very suitable for this.

The best time to discover the Torre del Aguiló is in the morning

The route is calm in the morning, although you should still take into account the state of the sea to make some of the stops to rest and have a snack.
In the mornings the water is much clearer and calmer, making it ideal for those excursions to the Torre del Aguiló that are designed for families with children. This will make it easier to control the kayak, as well as to enjoy an activity where the heat is less intense.
Even so, at all times you will have an instructor who will ensure that the only thing you have to worry about is enjoying yourself and being happy.

Recreational kayak for one or for two, as you feel like sharing this adventure

The kayaks we use for the Aguiló route are recreational kayaks, with one or two seats. This allows groups of couples, parents and children or lifelong colleagues to share the experience of paddling in the sea. But if you feel like being a little more on your own, you also have the opportunity to try an individual kayak.
These recreational kayaks are very stable and safe, as they are self-bailing. This means that in the event of capsizing or if too much water gets in, it is very easy to empty the kayak and get back in to continue the route.